Information about cable, connector or adapter : Nokia 51xx, 61xx, Board-Connector  

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 Nokia 51xx, 61xx, Board-Connector
 Originally developed by : Nokia
 Copyright : Nokia
 Source :
 Category :   All cables and connectors > Connectors > Cellular Phones >
 Added to database : 2005-04-06 03:44:31

 Description : Nokia 51xx, 61xx, Board-Connector pinouts
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Nokia 51xx, 61xx, Board-Connector


 Pinout : 0

1ROW0ROW0 - Keyboard matrix row 0
2ROW1ROW1 - Keyboard matrix row 1
3ROW2ROW2 - Keyboard matrix row 2
4ROW3ROW3 - Keyboard matrix row 3
5ROW4ROW4 - Keyboard matrix row 4
6COL0COL0 - keyboard matrix column 0 (flip identification)
7COL1COL1 - keyboard matrix column 1
8COL2COL1 - keyboard matrix column 2
9COL3COL1 - keyboard matrix column 3
10COL4COL1 - keyboard matrix column 4
11Signal1Signal1 - flip interrupt (not used)
12VF_INVF_IN - Flash In
13VF_OUTVF_OUT - Flash Out
14VBATTVBATT - Battery Voltage
15UAGNDUAGND - Analog Gnd
16PWRONPWRON - Power On key
17LCDCDXLCDCDX - LCD driver code/data selection
18SCLKSCLK - LCD driver serial clock
19SDASDA - LCD driver serial data
20LCDCSXLCDCSX - LCD driver chip select
21LCDRSTXLCDRSTX - LCD driver reset
22UDGNDUDGND - Digital Gnd
23BUZZERBUZZER - Buzzer PWM control
24VLVL - Supply voltage
25SPARESPARE - Call indicator LED
26LIGHTLIGHT - Illumination control
27EARNEARN - Speaker neutral
28EARPEARP - Speaker positive

 Note : Nokia 51xx, 61xx, Board-Connector pinouts

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